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Usage with a Safe multisig

You can use the Drips App as a Safe App for conveniently proposing transactions to your Safe.

Launching Drips as a Safe App

Within your Safe's UI, simply navigate to the Apps tab and launch Drips.

Interacting with Drips through a Safe

You can generally interact with Drips the same way as you would with an EOA wallet. There are a few things to consider, however.

Edits to streams or balances only apply at the time the transaction is executed

When you create, pause or edit a stream, the edits will only apply at the exact moment your Safe executes the transaction, not at the timestamp of proposal. For instance, this means that an outgoing stream that you pause will continue streaming until your Safe executes the pause transaction.

When scheduling a stream for the future, ensure that the transaction is executed before its scheduled start date. Scheduled streams begin streaming at the time of transaction confirmation or any scheduled start date, depending on which date is later.

Some transactions are invalidated by updates to a Drips account's state

Many interactions with the Drips app rely on a specific configuration of the account's stream receivers. Such transactions may fail if the configuration is altered between the proposal of the transaction and its actual execution. Thus, configuration-altering interactions must be made with extra care, because they may invalidate other pending transactions.

Such interactions include:

  • Adding funds (Does not invalidate other pending transactions)
  • Collecting funds (Does not invalidate other pending transactions)
  • Creating a stream (Invalidates other pending transactions)
  • Editing a stream (Invalidates other pending transactions)
  • Deleting a stream (Invalidates other pending transactions)
  • Pausing / un-pausing a stream (Invalidates other pending transactions)

When editing streams, all interactions are scoped per ERC-20 token, meaning that a transaction changing streams for token A never invalidates another interacting with token B.

Additionally, edits to your Splits receivers will invalidate other transactions altering Splits receivers, but are not invalidated by any edits to your account's stream receivers.

Consider the following example:

  • You propose a transaction that creates a new stream streaming token A.
  • Before executing that transaction, you propose another transaction that adds funds for a token A.
  • You execute the 1st transaction and a new stream is created, altering your account's state of stream receivers.
  • The 2nd transaction would fail if executed, because it relies on the account's specific state before the new stream was created.

However, the following scenario works fine, because adding funds does not alter your account's stream receiver state:

  • You propose a transaction that adds funds for a token A to your Drips account.
  • Before executing that transaction, you propose another transaction that creates a new stream streaming token A.
  • You execute the first transaction, and funds are added to your Drips account.
  • You execute the second transaction, and the new stream is created.